So, again new AP no.15 has released just. And what's new? More texts
writen in english or more articles in both languages (czech or
english), because now Amiga Positive is more enjoyable for readers,
which don't understand czech, not only for czech, moravians,
silesians and slovaks (poles cann't read and understand well
czech language;))).
Well, Amiga Positive is primary prepared for people which have Amiga
for best, but for dear latent amigans (so-called „latentics“ - pc
users running amiga in emulation) and welcomed are pure peexlans (pc
users) too.
Hmmm, certainly, peexlans must prepare for that in almost texts will
be called peexlans (or peexleers) instead PC's users.
Need AHI for play music is da news in issue 15, because modules
inside diz (and next) Amiga Positive are in DigiBooster Pro format
(DBM0), which open new sound abilities for diz mag, but diz means
too, that needs of Amiga Positive little grow up. AP15 will be
slower than AP14 especially on 030 based Amigas. Better don't try
run AP15 on basic A1200 without accelerator and FAST RAM. Also our
dear latentics must be prepared for that their emulated 020s scrape
their pentiums more drastically, whichever they enjoy it.
Also I must write something about mag section „What never been
released elsewhere“. There is free space in diz section for all
articles, which they never been released due their socalled „low
level“ quality (especially because they been „under quality level“
of mag) or because they „been late“ or for whitchever another reason
;) ... Censorship suxx... in What never been released elsewhere
can be released that all and diz articles may be written in any
So, new is Prefs* too. This issue was exactly hard work for all of
us, but it's new Amiga Positive issue and it is not the last issue
and it's here and it's comming to world! So, spend a nice time with
* not in on-line version, of course;) - Vejr