Interview with Lahve/RSN+LOT+MWI
How do you feel just like a packer of Sabotage packmag, let`s say
successful piece of software?
Hehe, well, I don`t feel anything special of course. The Sabotage is
not so spread, it isn`t older than one year yet and some sceners
won`t never see it due to the way of snail-spreading only.
Why just a new packmag?
I didn`t care to be dependent on anyone, I just wanted to make a
diskmag, but it could be enough for me. In other side, I liked to
collect a voting sheets etc. and packmag is the best thing for that,
it`s just a personal, maybe rather intimate concernment ;).
Why Sabotage got her name?
I was inspirated by the same named videoclip from the Beastie Boys.
I mean, all design is overtaken from this black/white style of this
video. It`s also expressive of my personal life season which I went
through and maybe I`m still going :). In additional, this name is a
bit shocking, short and easy to remember, it also cannot be
distorted. There is a piece of the French language which I love but
it never been learned by me. In short, I cannot find better name for
my pack.
There is a bit of philosophy there, I think; can you tell us more?
Sure. The original plan was to make something different, special and
stylish. The main will was spreading of each issue by snail-way
only, later some more specialities has been discovered by me, for
example - original music everytime made especially for this pack by
the best music composers. By the coincidence, I managed that in
every issue since the first one. Almost all the composers asked by
me agreed to help me, although they never see my pack and never
heard about that. I had just a luck. I only had some problems with
really elite musicians like Ganja/NVX, Jazz/HJB or Kuu/DCS
(ex-Substance), but in other side, I`m very proud to cooperate with
the musicians like Teis/Spaceballs, Roz/RNO, Teo/Kangooroo,
Tex/Mankind, Qwan/Uprough or Mortimer Twang/DCS. Spreading by
snail-way only is obligatory for everyone, it means also for our
Why you wanted to have so dark and gray design?
It`s connected with already mentioned inspiration of the Beastie
Boys` videoclip recorded on old dirty tape. Original design could
have been a bit different, but Id made the design by his own but I`m
What is your experiences with the snail-way spreading only?
I have good experience, but I really don`t know how much is my pack
spread. True, from time to time I got a request to send the newest
Sabotage issue via e-mail from unknown people. But I think Sabotage
is well-spread...
So, how and why you chose this spreading system?
It`s simple. There is not so much interest in the swap here just
like in the past. You can get anything stuff you want by snail but
also by downloading from bigger servers. If possible, we want to
spread some production via snail-way only, it could take some
interesting of the traditional swap stuff higher. The people needs
some reason to do the swap again. Some days ago, I sent latest
Sabotage issue to Qwan/Uprough who asked me for that and told me: "I
would like to get some snail from someone after three years". Great,
isn`t it? ;)
Are you satisfied with a concernment, feedback and support has been
given to Sabotage pack?
Interesting is high I have to say, but feedbacks are rather personal. But
I`ve heard some people are preparing some articles for various diskmags
(Devotion and Eurochart I think), so let`s see ;). Support is worse... We
have less articles than needed and also not so many voting sheets, but we
cannot change it. I`m writing in future tense because Punisher joined our
staff a few weeks ago overtaking our new "SWAP" section. I`m more than
happy about that, he`s really answerable.
Could you make any comments of the best-swapper chart?
It works just like any of the others. It includes actual position of
the swapper, from his previous one, there is also his handle and
number of points there. I chose the simpliest voting system I could
because the people are lazy to fill looong text files. All you have
to do here is to write down your handle and tick the box with the
best swapper in your opinion. You also can write a handle of someone
else who is not in the nominates, this guy will become an adept and
after get 3 points he will enter the chart officially kicking the
man who has the less points the others. So, number of people in
chart isn`t ten like in previous issues but that number how many
adepts will people choose.
And what about the number of readers and voters? Are you satisfied?
Not so much, as I told. In the other side of the simple voting
system, I usually get two or three voting sheets per issue.
What do you think about the people who is spreading Sabotage via net
(e-mail, ftp`s...)?
These people`s simply killing my work. Thank God, I never heard
about anyone he do this, also I haven`t seen any of Sabotage issue
on any FTP`s, so it seems like people respect my request of
snail-way spreading.
Some people`s talking about your pack like one of the best; do you
want to make some comments about that?
Ah, really? Who? :) Well, it`s their opinion. The true is my pack
couldn`t suit to everyone. My pack is black/white not only due it`s
color spectrum, so you could love it or hate it :).
Do you feel to make Sabotage so often as nowadays?
If I will hold my power, why not? Sabotage is directly made for
regular and frequent releasing having regard for it`s efforts to
content only actual information. It`s also all about to have
something to fill it with. That`s why it`s not released so regulary,
but I`m trying to keep one issue per 40-45 days. I`m successful so
Do you plan some new surprise or total increasing of quality level
in the future?
There are many things which could be amended - faster code, more
sections... time will show, I cannot exclude, if I`ll have more
music support, pack would change to little original
regulary-releasing musicdisk :). But as I said, time will show...
Thanx a lot for bold answers, Lahve! :)