Test WD Harddisků

Níže uvádím pár testů k článku o harddisku. Testovacími programy byly DiskSpeed 4.4, DriveSpeed 1.2 a SysInfo 3.24.

Testované disky:
1. WD Caviar 212,6, MB rok výroby 1994 - tak tenhle disk našel ještě spolu s dalšíma pěti kámoš na popelnici. Tenhle jedinej byl kupodivu dobrej (alespoň zdánlivě), tak sem ho hned změřil na rychlost. PIO=3.
2. WD Caviar 1 GB, rok výroby 1996 - můj starej dobrej, malej, ale ještě pořád docela rychlej disk. PIO=4NF
3. WD Caviar 15 GB, rok výroby 1999 - můj novej vysokootáčkovej disk. 7200 ot/min. PIO=4NF

Testováno bylo tak, že z diskety byl zaveden systém i s ovladačem Fast ATA a disk byl 3x změřen. Výsledná cifra je průměr všech měření. Disky měly stejné podmínky (počet buferů, fast file system ...) Vše na Amize 1200 s turbokartou Blizzart PPC 603/160mHz+68040/25mHz+74 MB RAM+Fast ATA. Bez zavedeného setpatche.

No a tohle jsou výsledky
1 WD Caviar 212,6 MB22838872229986
2 WD Caviar 1 GB34971773429223
3 WD Caviar 15 GB49267924336970

Níže je výpis z programu DiskSped. Můžete si porovnat s rychlostí svého disku.

MKSoft DiskSpeed 4.4  Copyright © 1989-94 MKSoft Development
CPU: 68040  AmigaOS Version: 40.68  Normal Video DMA
Device:  DH0:    Buffers: 30
Comments: DiskSpeed 4.4

CPU Speed Rating: 3107

Testing directory manipulation speed.
File Create:           82 files/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
File Open:            572 files/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Directory Scan:      3741 files/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
File Delete:          483 files/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Seek/Read:           1501 seeks/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 512 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:       853504 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    1044096 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    790627 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      1106944 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    1413632 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:   1617920 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 32768 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      3117255 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    4059136 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:   1875968 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 262144 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      3141800 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    4287248 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:   1888739 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 512 byte, MEMF_FAST, WORD-aligned buffer.
Create file:       413791 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:     194198 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    764096 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_FAST, WORD-aligned buffer.
Create file:      1185845 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    1406464 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:   1439480 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 32768 byte, MEMF_FAST, WORD-aligned buffer.
Create file:      1607718 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    2011136 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:   1540096 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 262144 byte, MEMF_FAST, WORD-aligned buffer.
Create file:      2988506 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    4032984 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:   1589734 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 512 byte, MEMF_FAST, BYTE-aligned buffer.
Create file:       344128 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:     178409 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    632640 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_FAST, BYTE-aligned buffer.
Create file:       327577 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:     218426 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    888832 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 32768 byte, MEMF_FAST, BYTE-aligned buffer.
Create file:       261588 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:     244119 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    957267 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 262144 byte, MEMF_FAST, BYTE-aligned buffer.
Create file:       344843 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:     217675 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    980588 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 512 byte, MEMF_CHIP, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:       484227 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:     300034 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    713728 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_CHIP, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      1544192 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    1785856 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:   1375232 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 32768 byte, MEMF_CHIP, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      1804080 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    2078170 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:   1570900 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 262144 byte, MEMF_CHIP, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      1853871 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    2133354 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:   1583854 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 512 byte, MEMF_CHIP, WORD-aligned buffer.
Create file:       370171 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:     402368 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    626944 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_CHIP, WORD-aligned buffer.
Create file:       889856 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    1042432 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    965632 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 32768 byte, MEMF_CHIP, WORD-aligned buffer.
Create file:      1184877 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    1299279 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:   1089536 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 262144 byte, MEMF_CHIP, WORD-aligned buffer.
Create file:      1206384 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:    1322005 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:   1067994 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 512 byte, MEMF_CHIP, BYTE-aligned buffer.
Create file:       326551 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:     314520 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    481472 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_CHIP, BYTE-aligned buffer.
Create file:       477789 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:     332288 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    641024 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 32768 byte, MEMF_CHIP, BYTE-aligned buffer.
Create file:       338908 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:     381684 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    637382 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Testing with a 262144 byte, MEMF_CHIP, BYTE-aligned buffer.
Create file:       484375 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Write to file:     390143 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%
Read from file:    645674 bytes/sec  |  CPU Available: 0%

Average CPU Available: 0%  |  CPU Availability index: 0